Mountain tales carry the whiff of otherworldly
mystery. It makes no never mind be they tall or mostly true.
Spring from the Appalachians or from Lisnafaer, hidden in
time and space within the Scottish Highlands. Expect the
unexpected. Mountain folk, mostly Celt (some not), have
a contrary bone somewhere in their bodies. Animals the same.
Theyll tell (or sing) you their tales if you listen.
And remembereven the wildest tale is true on some
deep level. Even the truest tale is a lie in one corner
or another.L. N. Passmore
Faeries come take me out of the dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind,
Run on the top of disheveled tide,
And dance upon the mountains like a flame.
W. B. Yeats, The Land of
Hearts Desire
Walk away quietly in any direction and
taste the freedom of the mountaineer.John Muir
L. N. Passmore
bids you to come visit Lisnafaer and her other
green worlds.
story,fairy story,anthromorph,wolf,wolfs
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